Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The past week

I wanted to post sooner, but I only found time to get to a computer today. So, here's the past week so far.

Wednesday, August 3rd: I had a birthday. I turned 27. Yup, I'm getting pretty old. That day, I got a gym membership. I need to use it more often. The first half of my birthday celebrations was seeing an outdoor theater show. I bought food for my guests and we all dressed up and had a picnic. there was chocolate, bread, martinellies, yogurt and stuff. It was fun.

Then the next half of the celebrating came when a huge bunch of my friends( including some from the show we saw whom I either knew already or had just met ) went to the karaoke bar( which is literally a 30 second walk from where the show was ). I got so drunk that night. I must have spent over $30 worth of alcohol on myself. I also tried marijuana for the first time. Interesting experience.

Thursday: August 4th: That day was my mothers birthday. Yup, our birthdays are back to back. Love you mummsie <3. Not too much happened that day. Me and my best friend saw the show again and then we went out to Applebease with the entire cast( it was closing night ). I had one beer that night. Mostly just to drink in my mothers name. After all, it was her birthday.

Friday: August 5th: I went to see another show that night. A different one. I must have known at least 17 people in the cast( just in case you are curious, the first show was called The Visit, and the second show which opened today is called Love Labours Lost ). I went out to Denny's with them, them walked over to my friend Stevo's house for my friend Aaron's birthday celebration. And I got drunk at that party too. sickingly drunk. I've come to the conclusion that I don't need alcohol in my life. It's fun to be drunk, but with my obsessive personality, maybe it's not such a good idea. I'll leave it at that.

That is about all of the good stuff that happened so far. I got to see my good friend Priscilla on Sunday, Mondayand Tuesday were basically spent hanging out with my closest friend Jason and his baby, and today I have an art party to go to( one that I usually try and go to every Wednesday ). I usually work on songs and poems. Once I even cooked for everyone. That's an art.

I also plan on attempting to write a book soon. I have a few ideas in my head that seriously need to go places. And now that I recently fixed my laptop( which had a broken screen ) by buying a desktop monitor and hooking it up to it, I can finally start writting again.

I also need to save up for a good starter camera. I want to get into photography. I also need to clean up my facebook photogallery, start a photography album, a cooking album, a baking album, a modeling album( which won't be done until that gym membership starts to pay off ) and in general ... well, there's just so much I want to do with my life. time to shut up now and make stuff happen. Goodbye for now.

~ Always Love

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