Monday, August 1, 2011

I've been Sucker Punched

I saw Sucker Punch recently. I'd like to take this opportunity to express what I thought of this movie.

Firstly, I'd like to point out how many of you who have seen this movie argue over it's supposed sexism. While I can understand with both points( Those that say having the girls wear what they wore was nothing more then an eye candle for an obvious male audience while those of you say that having women wear those outfits show exactly how far womens rights had gone in the last couple of years to the point where they can pull off wearing those kinds of outfits and have it be more for them and less for those watching them ) of that debate, I personally am more neutral. The "it's sexist, it's not" aspect of the movie is not really my complaint.

My complaint is more-so the story. While I did realize the neccessity for them having their day dream adventures to help blanket the harsh reality that they were faced with in order to find a means to escape, I saw the entire movie nothing more then a really good virtual reality theme park ride. What I mean by that is, yes, it was very visually stunning. But for me the movie as a whole didn't come together fully. Graphically and sound wise, it was phenomenal. The Cinematography was breathtaking and the cast was very well put together. I just wasn't engaged enough in the story. And to me, the story is everything in a movie. I may need to watch it again one day to truly appreciate it, but as it stands right now, this isn't a movie I would call one of the greats. Granted, it is a good movie to watch once or twice, but I can't say this is one I would put in the my category of films I would watch 10-20+ times.

A 3 out of 5 stars.

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